World's Greatest Lover of You

I know I will think of you always
Unfortunately, big barrels of my least favorite shade of blue 
Tumble down
In-between your suicidal folds 
Which I can never smooth out 
Into unconditional acceptance 
I cannot believe you don't know I love you 
Actually I'm sure you know 
But you also know not to care 
In a way, you are much smarter than I 
Although always depressed
Rocked by some devastatingly regular event 
That makes you want to die 
And makes me want to fix you 
And I never can
We both know I will never do it 
You never fell in love with me 
But in my head, after a glass of pink fizz 
I am- world's greatest psychiatrist 
World's greatest lover
World's greatest lover of you 
And you are still sleeping in all of your clothes 
And waking up thinking of nothing but pain 
Unless you remember my body 
And then you will think of me for a brief moment 
And go back to sleep. 


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